Category Archives: Healing and our Brains

Perceptions, perceptions, how they influence us!

I was recently reminded of just how powerful perceptions can be. Conversations with two people about completely different events revealed the depth of perceptual difference that can be present when people are in the same place, but see through different eyes.

Everything new that we experience is filtered and affected by our previous experiences and our stored

  • thoughts,
  • beliefs,
  • understandings,
  • conclusions,
  • sensory memories and perhaps most importantly,
  • feelings/emotions.

This is why one person can hear a sound and react to it in fear, and another can react with little interest – the sound is interpreted via the combination of the new elements and the influence of the previous ones.

In other words, when we enter a moment, we bring with us all our accumulated history and use that history to unconsciously (mainly) interpret the world as it unfolds. The Buddhists talk about something called “beginner’s mind”, in which one looks at each moment as if it was seen for the first time and freshly interpreted. While it does take longer to reach conclusions using this approach, the results are very beneficial.

A lot of unhappiness in the world is the direct result of not “seeing” what is there, but only seeing what seems to be there, making snap judgments and jumping to conclusions. Often this happens so automatically that we do not notice it, and assume that what we think is what is real.

Here’s a radical concept – next time you think you understand what happened in a particular situation, see if there is any alternate understanding possible. Examine all the assumptions you made as you reached your conclusions. See if there are any other possible explanations for each of the elements that you notice. Be aware of your preconceptions and personal historical conclusions.

You may be surprised at what you discover once you start to notice how you arrived at a conclusion …

Copyright 2009 Robert S. Vibert

What are you bringing to the party?

A thought for today… what are you bringing to the party called life?

I’m talking about conscious bringing, not just what you have inherited in any manner. That means that if you are inherently intelligent thanks to your parents, what do you do with that intelligence? Do you put it to good use in bettering the world?

If you are attractive looking or talented in some way (musically, for example), are you making good use of that aspect of yourself , striving to improve the world and the people you meet each day?

If you happen to have a lot of money thanks to your predecessors, are you investing in that which will be of benefit to more than just you?

No matter what you inherited, and no matter what you have accomplished in any realm, each and every day you have the opportunity to make a difference.

Even if you consider yourself to be without anything, you still have how you interact with the world to offer.

Here’s my suggestion for a new meaning for the term BYOB:


Bring your joy, your compassion, your understanding, your thoughtfulness, your attention, your acknowledgment, your presence to each and every day.

And watch what happens when you do…

Copyright 2009 Robert S. Vibert

Every day is a new one

Even on the most overcast of days, each morning is a fresh beginning to your life.

We can decide to do our best to be moving forward in as positive a fashion as possible, adjusting what we can.

Or we can remain stuck in the past, lamenting what was and was not, and miss opportunities that are hidden in plain view in front of us.

What path will you take today?